A Tribute to Mothers

As Mothers Day is this Sunday, I wrote the following poem as a tribute to my mother and to mom’s everywhere!

My mom, me and my big Sis in front of Grandma’s house.

A mother holds you closely as she feeds you and rocks you to sleep as a babe.

A mother is up with you all night long when you are sick.

A mother holds your head and pulls your hair back as you are violently ill over the toilet.

A mother constantly reminds you to wear clean underwear.

A mother goes to your sports games even if she does not understand it and screams “touchdown” when you hit a home-run.

A mother cries when her baby graduates kindergarten, elementary and high school and then college.

A mother scrubs your dirty feet in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

A mother scribbles her name at the emergency room with only one intention - to see her child that has just been in an accident.

A mother sits beside you, comforting you as you lay in a hospital bed, never allowing you to know the fear she feels in her heart.

A mother puts your needs first and will go without to be sure that your needs are met.

A mother gently runs her fingers through your hair as you sit on the floor sobbing because of a recent break-up.

A mother is there to cheer you on with whatever it is you decide to do in your life.

A mother listens to your hopes and dreams. She never tells you that they are impossible.

A mother respects your decisions and only wants the best for you.

A mother is your friend and confidant.

A mother walks down the aisle beginning the wedding procession on your wedding day - even though she hates being the center of attention.

A mother is there holding your hand when you make her a grandmother.

A mother can see you as a young child all over again through her grandchildren.

A mother would fight tooth and nail for your honor and integrity.

A mother would give her life for you.

A mother may not be perfect - but she has a perfect love for her children.

A mother’s love is never ending.

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