That Dreadful Sunday Morning

I can remember that dreadful Sunday morning just as if it was yesterday. The wounds have healed and I am a different person now then I was then. It was the beginning of what I call my three years of hell here on Earth. Pain that I wish no one would ever have to feel. I had … [Read more...]

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A Tribute to Mothers

As Mothers Day is this Sunday, I wrote the following poem as a tribute to my mother and to mom's everywhere! A mother holds you closely as she feeds you and rocks you to sleep as a babe. A mother is up with you all night long when you are sick. A mother holds your head … [Read more...]

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Lessons I Learned From My Mother

I loved Mom! She was my best friend and companion for the first 33 years of my life. I write this today, on what would have been her 89th birthday. Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of her death. I was devastated when Mom died. I relived the horrifying events in my head almost … [Read more...]

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Letting Go of Anger After Divorce

It was exactly one-week after my mom died, I sat in a restaurant with my husband of 15 years, Earl. I was distraught, still thinking of the sudden and unexpected death of my mom that just ripped through my heart. Earl and I were having a squabble, when he looked at me straight in … [Read more...]

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Rejected By My Church

Before my divorce, I was very active in a non-denominational church. I taught Sunday School, was in charge of the girls group (similar to Girl Scouts) and actively involved with the women’s group. My ex rarely – if ever attended church. I believed the women I attended church … [Read more...]

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