Do You Really Need a Man in Your Life to be Happy?

What images pop into your mind when you read the question above, Do you really need a Man in Your Life to be happy?

You might think about the 1950’s and the picture of a mother standing over her daughter saying, “You’ll never find a husband, blah… blah… blah…” or worse off saying, “You need a man in your life in order be complete.”

Guess what ladies, we were trained to believe this but it is not true. For over a hundred years women have been groomed for marriage, taking care of children and managing the household. This is what was suppose to make women happy and keep us fulfilled.

You could say that the times are changing, this the 21st century and women have evolved. On the other hand you may think that women have always had this deep inner need to step out and allow the strong, confident woman within to emerge. This is where all women need to give themselves credit because the struggle to be heard is beginning to pay off.

Women are finally speaking out and defending themselves. They are realizing that they have a voice and it is worth being heard. Therefore many women are starting to see that the need for a partner in their life is just a learned concept that is just so deeply ingrained in our culture that we believe it as so.

Ask yourself:
Why do you think you need a man in your life?
Do you believe your value lies in the eyes of a man?
Who would you dare to be if you did not have those thoughts?

Bottom line is that it is your choice on who you are in this life. You get to define you and your happiness. This could be choosing to climb the corporate ladder, remaining single, being childless and of course being a housewife or stay at home mom.

Find your own worth, value and happiness inside of yourself. Know that you will not have a perfect life because that just isn’t realistic. However, you will be confident in you and be happy with the direction you are going with your dreams and goals, despite the ups and downs.

When you find happiness within yourself, you are going to be more positive. Those positive and happy vibes are more likely going to attract someone that is also happy and confident. You will love, respect and trust yourself more, which means you will spot the red flags in a potential mate.

If you are not happy with yourself, no matter how “well” you may be doing, and if you force yourself into relationships thinking that this is going to make you happier, then you are going to attract the wrong person entirely or you will eventually push away the right one.

You may find that you are perfectly happy being alone and this is great too. The point is to find your own happiness and fill your own cup. If you are doing that, then tune out the people telling you otherwise, You can simply respond by saying, “Thank you for your opinion. But right now this is what I need and want to do for myself. I would really appreciate it if you would support my decision.

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